Was feeling rather uninspired with this challenge since I seem to be drawing lots of square boxy things lately. Found this book and thought about my grandmother.
As a kid I would porch sit with her in the early evenings sipping sweet tea from heavy, chunky glasses. Her wide porch spanned the entire front of her house. The squeaky porch swing was on one end, a row of white rockers on the other, and lush ferns hung along the length.
The western end was protected from the scorching sun by a stand of kudzu she carefully cultivated and trained up several strands of cotton clothesline rope hanging from the eave.
She would call out to the evening walkers passing by. "Hiya! How y'all doin'? Care for some tea?" Usually no takers on the tea as they had just finished supper, but many would come up the walk, plant a foot on the bottom step, and chat about things for a while. As darkness fell and the skeeters descended, they would say their goodbyes and continue on.
Other times we would just sit and swing, listening to the sounds of sticky summer...tree frogs, katydids, crickets, children playing somewhere in the distance.
When the lightning bugs appeared and the street lights came on I knew I had to go home.
"I believe that what truly matters in the making of art is not what the final piece looks like or sounds like, not what it is worth or not worth but what newness gets added to the universe in the process of the piece itself becoming."
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