Went to the Ashley County Relay for Life event. I, of course, took Implements of Sketchification to occupy my time in the solitude of the bleachers while my companions ratted and chatted in the crowd.

I was struck by the shear number of people in the stadium. At one point you couldn't see the track surface due to all the folks walking. (I grew tired of drawing all the little stick figures, so please use your imagination to fill up the track.) It appeared that all of Ashley County had turned out in a show of support. It was pretty awesome.
I could have stayed and sketched all night. Having live, willing sketch victims still awake at 2:00 am would have been like manna from heaven. But alas, no, Hubby declared we had to leave in search of grindage.
We ended up on the town square in Hamburg, a nice spot with cool old buildings and a gazebo. I saw lots of things I wanted to draw but it was dusk, the light was fading and supper at the steakhouse beckoned.

Sawyer's Steakhouse is in a neat old building with high tin ceilings and lots of old fixtures. There was a grand mirror behind the antique marble soda fountain, along with several of grandma's fancy cake plates and parfait glasses. I could have sketched all night in there too.
We waddled out an hour later, all full as seed ticks.
I definitely want to return to the square and this restaurant for more sketching. Woot! Must dream and scheme a road trip in the near future.
2:00 am - Still wound up from drawing today. Brain is hung up on whirled peas. Had to poop them out so I can get some sleep.

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