#1 - The Distance Pair
- stylish, sleek, slitty
- bifocals
- expensive
Can't see for sh*t wearing them. Discovered they give me headaches.
#2 - The Reading Pair
- clunky
- single vision
- cheap; $40 total
Love these and wear them 98% of the day. I can see the TV across the room better with these. That ain't right!
I kept telling myself that I just needed a little more time to get adjusted to the new bifocals, but I'm pretty sure something is just wrong with them.
I sit about twelve feet from a big screen TV and the scrolling channel guide lettering is fuzzy. I don't think I should be squinting to see that. Plus, if I wear them more than an hour I get a headache.
I should have painted them yellow because they are lemons.
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