I've been a member of the Everyday Matters sketching group for two years but have done only about a dozen of the 270 challenges.
Liz Steele (aka Borromini Bear) is working through the first 31 challenges as part of the Every Day in May project (drawing something, anything, every day in May.) She invited all to join her.
I'm not sure I can keep it up all month, but here's the first challenge at least, EDM #1 - Draw a Shoe.
My shoe wardrobe is rather sparse - plain black and navy pumps and flats, some beat up Crocs, and some tragic flip-flops. Oy. I need to go shoe shopping.
I hardly ever wear this pair of sandals. They're worn only when I need to "dress-up" a little more than a flip-flop appropriate outfit. I think they've been out of the box maybe six times in the past six years.
Yeah, I'm pitiful.
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