I have big ol' long monkey toes that I can move independently. It's rather disturbing looking now that I think about it.
I can pick up almost anything off the floor without having to bend over. That's come in very handy as I've gotten older.
I also have impossibly high arches. Never have found a pair of cowboy boots that fit correctly.
Nana told me today that one of the triplets was sitting on the floor and picked up a Froot Loop with her toes and put it in her mouth with her toes.
That monkey toe thing definitely runs in the family.
My family has laughed at my feet all of my life, my aunt commenting once that I could probably hang by my feet from a tree. Would you say I have monkey feet also? Miz Dee
"I believe that what truly matters in the making of art is not what the final piece looks like or sounds like, not what it is worth or not worth but what newness gets added to the universe in the process of the piece itself becoming."
My family has laughed at my feet all of my life, my aunt commenting once that I could probably hang by my feet from a tree. Would you say I have monkey feet also? Miz Dee
I think we must be related in some way.
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