"Hi, my name is Speck."
"Hi Speck"
"I don't really have a pen addiction. I just have a *few* pens really.....
(Click to embiggen. The image links to Flickr where you can then click on the little magnifying glass and then click "view all sizes." The original (2112 x 2816) will allow you to get a hairy eyeball on the branding on the pens.)
First reaction: "Oh my Gosh!!!!!!! Then I realized that if I spread mine all out I would have about 3/4 of that and I just have started sketch journaling! What WILL I have if I get to stick with this for 3 years? You go, girl. I think we have chosen a very inexpensive hobby in the long run. dee
Can I come play at your house!???!!!
Looks like a whole lot of fun!
Unfortunately, I have at least half that much, maybe more. I don't have a pen addiction so much as I have an art supply addiction.......
My art supply addiction isn't too bad these days. I had a little Come-To-Jesus meeting with my art supplies one day and gave two copy paper boxes full to the local junior high art teacher. She was thrilled.
Since I have tiny house space considerations I decided to narrow the art supplies down to just those needed for illustrated journaling. I probably could cram everything into two milk crates now. That's not too bad. Oops, make that three. I forgot about the crate of scrapbooking papers under my desk.
Hi My name is Elaine....
Hi Elaine...
I have an art supply addiction... thank goodness I'm not addicted to pens like my friend Speck
Nice stash there girlfriend.
This reminds me of the time several people around me needed to borrow a pen. I pulled out forty....just from my purse! Yes, I'd say I have an addiction!
Raena - Come on in and have a seat. Coffee and doughnuts are in the back.
Laure and Elaine - The Art Supply Addicts group meets upstairs Tuesdays at 7:30, Room 204.
Elaine - We want photos!!!! Show us your stuff!
Got myself a 5 pack of those Pentel Gel pens today... they were on sale.. $1 off so I HAD to have them. No photos no evidence... what art supplies? Pay no attention to the stash of yard, and knitting needles either... or the glass and kiln... or the jewelry findings...oh an don't forget my ROCK collection... what girl can live without some great rocks to have cut and polished into cabochons some day? Psst... I was never here...
Surely there is a mental health professional that could take us on at a special group rate. We share the same weakness so once they figure one of us out, they can work on a group basis. Maybe they can set up on-line group counseling?
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