"This meeting of the Notebook and Sketchbook Hoarders Anonymous meeting will now come to order. Tonight Speck will tell her story...."
(smattering of handclaps)
Hi, my name is Speck.
Hi Speck!
My story starts back in June of 2008. I wanted a sketchbook so I made my own out of stapled-together copy paper. By October of that year I was secretly craving more; bigger, better. That's when I bought my first little 4" x 6" hardbound sketchbook.
My sickness wasn't so bad back then. I filled the first little sketchbook and bought just *one* more to replace it. Then I filled the second one and replaced it with *two.*
It grew slowly after that, picking up an extra book here and there, even getting ones for gifts. Then I acquired a couple of marbled composition books for free, and a notebook for my purse.
Then suddenly this summer...I...
...I developed an obsession for lined writing journals...
(pause; downward cast eyes)
...I don't know what happened really....(lower lip quivers)
Something went...
...something went just *horribly* wrong!!!!!

OK, back to reality...
It isn't as bad as it looks, but I was appalled at the amount of books I have acquired (57). I didn't realize there were this many until I collected them from all their little hidey-holes and put them in a pile. Granted, some of those little itty bitty ones don't really qualify as "books", do they????
Eight of the sketchbooks (3 med, 5 small) are filled and retired as well as a medium sized writing journal.
Six of the sketchbooks have just one or two sketches in them. The two square ones are almost filled.
I'm not quite sure how to classify that stack of five Black-n-Reds in the upper right. They were bought as sketchbooks, but they have lined pages. One is about 1/3 filled with pencil sketches. I may end up writing in the others. Hey, at $5.00 each, I just picked up an armload. I'll figure out what to do with them later.
Six books are newly acquired writing journals. Who could resist a Beatles' Abbey Road or Yellow Submarine journal??? Yes, that's a little twee for someone my age, but I didn't care. They were only $4.00.
These are my current working books:
-Illustrated journal
-Writing journal
-Pen Inventory
-Commonplace book
-Note jotter when watching TV (a ripper)
-Note jotter for desk (also a ripper)
-Note jotter for purse (another ripper)
-Mini sketchbook for purse
-Square green sketchbook for purse
Do I need an intervention, or am I merely well organized? You won't find any loose scraps of paper on my desk or in my purse. There is no artwork laying about in teetering piles.
(evil grin)
I may need a new book to keep an inventory of all my other books! Yes, yes, that's the ticket!
You're a braver soul than I!!! Mine will remain stashed here and about in their hidey-holes because I really don't want to know how many I have!
And a new passion was just born yesterday when I bound my first coptic stitch wc sketchbook!
Oh, bother! Now those others will NEVER see the light of day!! ;•)
You're starting to scare me, speck. I think it IS as bad as it looks. However, better notebooks that will be used than collector items that you just look at.
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