Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pencil Portrait, Lady Bowler - WIP


I'm working through yet another how-to-draw book - Lifelike Portraits from Photographs by Lee Hammond. It recommends practicing faces using cover girls from magazines.

LOL! I don't have any women's magazines with cover girls. The closest thing I could find was Hubby's US Bowler.

I got all my chores and errands done by 9:00 am this morning. I was looking forward to a whole day of zen-like drawing since Hubby wasn't due home until 10:00 pm tonight.

I poodle-dewed around and didn't break out the pencils until 4:30 pm, then Hubs showed up early at 5:00. Didn't get back to drawing until 11:30 pm. Got her face finished by 1:00 am, then called it a night.

I think it came out great! It actually looks like the photo! Woot! Still need to do a little bit of tweaking and finish the hair.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, I drew a nose too.
Beware the Cosmic Nose of Death.

1 comment:

Karen Blados said...

I do the same kind of thing on the rare occasions when I have a whole day alone. Why? Haven't figured that out yet.

I think it's cool that you put a rendition of another drawing in your sketchbook.