Hit yet another crap aisle at yet another Wal-Mart to buy more art supplies I didn't really need.
Found two Cachet Earthbound Recycled Sketchbooks with wonderfully toned kraft paper. I had looked for sketchbooks with toned paper on-line but couldn't find any. Whooda thunk I'd find them at Wal-Mart? Also found a top wire-bound Canson sketchbook marked way down for clearance that I couldn't pass up.
Then I went back to the art supply section to see what I couldn't live without. Found an introductory set of acrylics. I've had a hankering lately to paint with acrylics but didn't want to spend a whole lot. After 3-4 paintings my acrylic itch will probably be satisfied. Had to get some suitable acrylic paper too of course.
On a whim I also got a set of oil pastels. I'm not a big fan of pastels because of the dusty mess, but I thought the oil base in these might diminish that. They are still messy but in a gooey way.
Wow! They really lay down some intense color! They can be smudged around with my finger to make a satiny finish. These may be messy but boy will they be fun to play with!
"I believe that what truly matters in the making of art is not what the final piece looks like or sounds like, not what it is worth or not worth but what newness gets added to the universe in the process of the piece itself becoming."
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