Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Non-Smoking Chronicles - Day 5


Capt Elaine Magliacane said...

If you can smell stuff you never noticed it means you're getting there sweetie... guess what, thing will start to taste better too... and while you're quitting smoking is NOT in my opinion the time to go on a diet... one thing at a time. You'll gain a little weight because you're not feeding your body poison now.
If your old 'foods' trigger cigarettes, for a little while change what you eat. For example have a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast... have cereal and fruit for dinner. When I was first quitting, it helped me to GET UP and leave the table after eating. Smokers, hang out after the meal to enjoy a smoke... don't hang out, get up and get away from the table.
You are doing great, I'm so proud of you. keep up the good work... you'll know you've really quit when someone asks you if you smoke and you say 'no'... instead of 'I quit' :-)

Capt Elaine Magliacane said...

Just found this... it popped up on my Google home page... it's different... but it might help...

Timaree said...

Great drawings. Maybe you can turn this into an e-book on Amazon! Smells. The good ones smell better too don't they? Make some spicy treats to eat after dinner so you can smell and taste them while dealing with the craving. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Gonna try the post again. All of this looks familiar, so maybe yesterday was a fluke. I'm keeping you in mind daily as you go through this. Appears to me that you are doing well....dee

Speck said...

Capt Elaine - Jumping up from the table to smoke is my habit, so *staying* at the table was a change. So I'm taking your good advice, just backwards, kinda sorta.

Will check out the link. Thanks.

Speck said...

freebird - I'm still hanging. The good smells make me want to shovel food in my mouth by the bucketload. Sigh. Not good.

I've tried to cut out sugars because they seem to trigger cravings. I'm thinking something cinnamon-y might be spicy enough to replace it.