Sept 14, 2010 - Dee and I were driving around downtown scouting sketching locations. We spied a statue thingy we wanted to draw, so we made the block and parked. By the time we got to our spot, a big ol' work truck had parked right in front of the statue. Dang!
Had to find something else to drawn until the truck left. Our shady spot was fairly small so the options were limited. Turned around and saw this light pole in a small slit of sky between a tree and the side of the building. I liked the tangles of wires and electric lines.
I especially found favor with this light pole because it had such a dichotomy of styles - the uber-modern halogen fixture and the gracefully curvy old-timey streetlamp with the hangy down bulb. It was a succinct history of Our Town all mounted on a pole. What more could an Urban Sketcher ask for in a sketch target?
This is the sketch that needed color fixing that I'm just now getting around to fixing. I had originally painted the wall a solid pale yellow color. That was indeed the actual color of the building in the afternoon sun. However, it didn't look right. Decided darker was better so I made it into a brick wall. Artistic license. :)
1 comment:
Nice job. I had one photography teacher tell me light poles don't interest anyone but I have to disagree and here you've drawn the proof of how I feel! I like your picture and the brickwork is nice too!
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