My mother-in-law comes for an annual visit each year late in the summer. She makes her rounds to visit the homes of all her children at least once. I guess she does this to assure herself that her children aren't homeless, living in squalor, or abusing their kitties.
In the past we were the last ones on the circuit so we had some advanced warning that she was on the move, but she surprised us this year and started with us, and early at that. Oops. She did at least call and give us 48 hours notice. Usually we get just an hour and a half to prepare for her arrival.
She doesn't go about doing a white glove inspection or anything, but I do want the house to look nice for her visit. There's a difference between everyday tidy and "mother-in-law clean" as her daughters-in-law call it. She laughs at that. She says all we really have to do for her visit is flush the potty, clean the litter box and spray a little air freshener. She's a good-natured sweetie and I adore her.
Mom and Martha (one of her BFFs) arrived at 11:00. Gave them the grad tour. They declared the house to be "neat as a pin." (They didn't look closely at the baseboards.)
Ate lunch downtown at the bakery. Had a turkey club with jalapeno sauce. It was flavorful without being hot. Yum! Then we all had a piece of cheesecake. How could we not after staring at the pastry case all through our meal?
After lunch we came back home and collapsed into the recliners...the women did anyway. Hubby ran off to the bedroom for a nap and to avoid all the girl talk.
We chatted for the next several hours about Girl Stuff - families, babies, sewing projects, charity work, church affairs, cooking, hair, makeup, and of course, men.
Went out to a late supper at a Cajun place. We all had seafood lasagna. I was underwhelmed. Won't order that again.
Packed them off for home around 10:00 pm. A long day, enjoyable, but was glad for it to be over.
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