There's a cool breeze blowing, the last rays of sunlight are racing long across the neighbor's lawn, the fireflies are starting to appear, and wafting up from below are the sounds of a baseball game on a radio.
I love these early summer evenings. The humidity isn't too thick yet so sitting outside is still enjoyable. There's something magical about listening to a ball game on a radio in the semi-darkness. It makes it more exciting than being there in person.
Nana said I've completed all my work orders and can go home tomorrow. We've spent the past five days working on her garage getting it organized and painted. It looks like a living room with cars parked in the middle and weed whackers on the wall.
I'm hoping to sneak out of here before I incur a fatal injury. In addition to the gouged hand, skinned knee and bum foot (which by favoring it has caused multiple other hurties now) I've also whacked my head with enough force to raise a bump and draw blood, and I've sliced open my thumb with a razor blade.
I almost completely lost my voice for two days, and I haven't gotten any sleep since I'm constantly hacking and coughing from the daycareitis crud. I just want to go home and sleep in safety. Is that too much to ask????
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