Hubby was trying once again to patch his raggedy boat seats back together with fishing line and force of will. They are rotten and need complete replacement, padding and all. But he won't part with the coin, so he sits and stitches.
I gave him a pinhead again. He really has a normal sized head.
Cheezburger the Porch Cat inspects the progress. It's tough to sew when your superviser keeps zotting the thread with his paw.

Process notes:
Hubby kept wiggling and it's tough to sketch a wiggling subject. Need to work on that.
I wanted this to be a really loose sketch. I started with the shirt and shorts almost as a blind contour drawing. Then I started looking at what I was drawing when I got to the legs, shoes and head. That was a mistake. When I get absorbed in the details my drawing gets smaller. Crap.
I debated whether or not to post this sketch. It obviously has problems. But this is my journey of discovery, and this was my day in it, so I opted to show all...the good, the bad, and the ugly.
It's really not bad either. We always like to pick apart our own work. It looks like your picture of your husband so you really achieved your goal.
I don't think it is so bad at all! Especially since they move about so much!
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