Brush Pen - Day 4
Turned off the computer and closed the journal for the weekend. I needed the break.
I spend far too much time hunkered over this flickering blue box. Need to live in meatspace more often.
When I draw I tune out the rest of the world, so Hubby was off to the side telling me to move when necessary so I wouldn't get trampled by the mule traffic. Apparently I was an interesting sight standing there in the rain and mule poo with my little black sketchbook. People must have been staring because I could hear Hubby saying over and over, "Camera batteries died, so she's drawing."
One woman circled around me all aghast as if Hubby had just declared me to be a child molester. With an incredulous look she spouted, "You're drawing?!?!?" She walked away shaking her head in disbelief. Dang. I'm not THAT weird am I?
I started drawing the wagon Emma was pulling just as they started getting ready to leave on the return trip. I was scribbling fast and I missed a few critical pieces of the undercarriage. There's no axle attached to the wheel. Oh well.
By this time Hubby declared he was hungry enough to the the south end of a northbound mule, so I figured I had better feed him before he produced a fork.
We drove back to Magnolia to eat at The Flying Burger. They have a meat case where you can pick your own fresh burger, steak, or seafood. Hubby ordered a 1/2 pound burger and I ordered a shrimp Po-Boy. Got a quick sketch in while we waited on our food.
After lunch we bought batteries for the camera and visited with friends. Caught up with the Mule Ride again to watch the mule jumping and mule driving demonstrations. Mules jump flat-footed, unlike horses who can take a running start. I did not know that.
Emma's wagon was in the mule driving demonstration. They can turn the wagon on a dime. It was pretty cool.
I was hoping I could convince Hubby to stick around for the steak dinner and live music but alas, he had had all the sketchcrawling he could stand for the day. We headed home for tacos and a Georgia O'Keeffe movie.
Sissy's Brand New Old-Timey Stove